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100% Natural


probio ca+

Probiotics Help Cats
with Health Issues such as:

  • Diarrhea, constipation
  • Bad breath, dog odor, smelly stool
  • Allergies, itching and scratching, hot spots
  • Eye mucus, ear wax, tear burn
  • Hair loss, rough dry coat
  • Weight loss, weight gain
  • Aging

ProbioCA+ is a complex type of probiotic that about 150 probiotics reach the intestines, regulate the intestinal environment, and improve the immune system and natural healing power. It is highly recommended for various symptoms that your dogs have, such as relief of atopy or any allergies, steroid phobia, tearburn, otorrhea, otitis externa, itching and pyoderma.


  • Red eyes,
    tear-stained fur

    My dog had itchy skin from about 9 months old. Chemical treatment worked only for a while and she soon start scratching. We changed to handmade food and served PROBiO CA per feeding. Then gradually her redness disappeared, and we saw hope. She scratches sometimes but became healthy dog.

  • Allergy by weed-killer

    My dog had itchy skin from about 9 months old. Chemical treatment worked only for a while and she soon start scratching. We changed to handmade food and served PROBiO CA per feeding. Then gradually her redness disappeared, and we saw hope. She scratches sometimes but became healthy dog.

  • Red eyes,
    tear-stained fur

    Her eyes were often red. We did not know what made her eyes red and tear-stained fur around eyes – could be from food, grasses during walk, or from her hair around eyes. After sprinkling PROBiO CA to her food for a month, her eyes stopped getting wet and red. Our trimmer noticed the change also.

Kougo animal hospital/ Dr. Aki Kougo

Director of Kougo Animal Hospital Dr. Aki Kougo

“We use PROBiO Ca mainly to dogs who have chronic skin problems and allergy. There are many pet owners who prefer less-burden treatment. We recommend PROBiO Ca which lessens scratching and skin irritation. One of the Malteses who had hot spot, itchy skin, and dandruff all year long improved the skin condition with PROBiO Ca. The supplement also worked for dogs who had number of different medicine treatment for chronic diarrhea. Our hospital prescribes PROBiO Ca together with medicines for various symptoms.”
Our animal hospital provides compassionate and comprehensive medical care based on Western studies together with Oriental practices such us acupuncture and Chinese herb.


  • Price : 7,400 JPY

    You can also purchase
    from the shopping site.

100g (3.53oz) powder
Fermented soybean amino acid powder, good bacteria, ultra-low molecular weight collagen, eggshell calcium
How to eat
For small to med dogs: 2g with each feed
For large dogs: 4g with each feed

*Recommended to increase the dose for dogs with severe symptoms.

Ingredients of

  • Unique Combination of Good Bacteria

    Our unique combination of good bacteria is an aggregate of 150 types of effective bacteria, the highest number in Japan, that promote and maintain intestinal health. It improves the synthesis capabilities of protein, which is one of the foundations of our bodies, detoxifies harmful substances in the body and enhances natural healing power. It also exhibits high effectiveness in clinical trials on humans.

  • Ultra-low Molecular Weight Collagen

    This is medical application level of ultra-low molecular weight collagen. The collagen is extracted slowly using only water without applying heat. Your skin, hair, bones and organs already contain a lot of collagen which supports your health as well as protecting your body from illness.

  • Eggshell Calcium

    Calcium not only forms bones and teeth, but it is an important nutrient involved in muscle contractions, cardiovascular function, nerve function, the secretion of hormones and so on. As it is very porous, it is a habitat for effective microorganisms such as lactic acid bacteria and yeast and also has the role of making it easier for microorganisms to establish themselves in the intestines.